It's been a while since I have made a journal entry and what I realized is that I am a little bit over committed right now. Since my daughter was born almost 20 years ago, I have not had a full-time job (other than caring for her and my son), but I have not once been bored in the last 20 years. I keep filling my time with part-time jobs or business opportunities, Bible studies, cleaning house, visiting with friends and family and laundry, cooking, preparing for taxes, blogging...
Right now is no different than at any other time, except that I am required to journal about my Holy Yoga journey and it takes time! I don't do things to stay busy - I do them because I think I should be doing them. Finding quiet time is my most challenging thing. I know I'm not alone in this but I do need to reflect - especially if I'm going to be teaching Holy Yoga.
Today we embark on our 4th week of the study of the Holy Spirit. I didn't know you could spend 8 hours just on the Holy Spirit, but we are doing it! And I am learning so much. It is humbling to learn so much about something that seems like a simple concept. Except the Holy Spirit is not a concept - He is a being! A being that surrounds me continuously, protecting me and guiding me all the while I am doing my business. As I'm writing this I'm thinking "I really need more time!" I need to go make the dinner (smoked chicken stew) because I will be on the phone for two hours which hits dinner time. It has to be ready so when my husband and son come home, they can dig in while I finish up on my date with the Holy Spirit. It's amazing to me how when you are digging deep with God, He creates certain space and support for you. I think I am babbling, but suffice it to say that I absolutely must start carving out specific time on my calendar for business, study, journaling and cooking. An organizer I'm not, but I am feeling nudged right now to do that for my own sanity.
By the way, I am meeting with a Director of Women's Ministries at a local church to discuss the possibility of offering Holy Yoga to the members there. I am praying for God to open a door. It's kind of exciting. Even if this one doesn't pan out, I am certain my meeting will lead to something wonderful.
Here's a thought from outer space: While I have developed a deep faith in God and Jesus Christ - I do not see myself as very religious at all. It's so weird. I want to go deep and be used by God, but when I see myself, I don't see the me that I think others see. I wonder if other believers feel the same way.
That's all I've got for now. In a little over an hour, I get to commune with my sisters and brothers and learn more about the Holy Spirit. Some day I will share what I have learned here.
God bless!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
Udon Noodle Soup Recipe

I copied this recipe from a soup I used to eat at SOMA. I really miss that place! I made it up based on what I thought might be in there.
Use chicken broth base
Saute chopped garlic (I use 4-6 cloves) and onion (a little) in a little olive oil.
Add the broth.
Add some chopped cooked chicken (1 breast should do it)
Salt, pepper and Lowery’s Seasoning to taste
Cayenne pepper to taste (I use a lot, cuz I like it hot)
Add chopped green onion and cilantro (optional)
Add cooked and drained rice noodles
I measure everything based on how many people, so you have to kind of figure that out. This will make your nose run but it is really tasty and good for you. If you don’t eat meat, skip the chicken.
Bon Appetit!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Christian Yoga in Tennesse!
Just ran across a studio online that offers Christian yoga, business yoga and nutritional counseling in Tennessee. I like to spread the word when I know someone is working hard to help others get a better handle on their spiritual and physical health. If you know anyone in Blount County, Tennessee, have them check out Keola Fit
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